Monday 28 July 2008

Champion's Challenge Day One

First day of this year's Holiday Club passed without a hitch and seemed to be enjoyed by all. The theme today was 'Jesus - the trainer' and the Bible passage was the parable of the two builders from Luke 6. In the spiritual preparation before the children arrived we were reminded by Sarah that God may call us to do hard things, things to which we would rather give a miss and things that will require effort of us.( it is Sarah and her sister Rachel who do all the hard up front work with the club and they do it superbly as a double act who can do both the serious and the hilarious).
We sang the theme song which I now cannot get out of my head. We made 'Olympic torches' in the craft time.
Tomorrow begins the 'personal best' challenge and my team( the Dominoes) will need to get down to making our team flag.

Joke of the day for me was - why did the premier league footballer on the transfer list cross the road - to get to the other side, of course.

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