Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Healthy churches

I am just about to begin a series based on the 'Seven marks of a Healthy Church' as described in the Healthy Churches' Handbook.
One of the issues raised is about how we understand 'church'. The book describes the response of Archbishop Rowan Williams who, when asked what his definition of church was, replied along the lines of: 'church is what happens when the impact of Christ on a situation brings two or more people together'. The book points out this this is a surprising definition because of what it leaves out( no mention of sacraments, Word, building, worship and much else). But what is our mental image of 'church' and how would we express it? The suggestion in this book is that 'Church = community + faith + action'( or to put it another way, 'an engaging faith community').

The book also suggests at one point one of those exercises where people are encouraged to try and describe their local church in terms of an animal or object or colour.
(e.g. our church is like an elephant: it never forgets, is very slow to move and very unpredictable as to which direction it might take when it does move - or our church is like a sheep dog: it is well disciplined, barks a lot and most enjoys trying to get everyone to go where it wants them to go' - or 'our church is like a wheelbarrow: nothing moves unless you push it'.)
I will need to ponder how I would describe our church!

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