Sunday, 5 October 2008

Feeling my age

Tonight I was taking our regular Sunday night youth group.This does not happen very often, but other leaders were unavailable and I was next in line. They are a brilliant and lively bunch who are never short of words.
I decided to use some material from this year's Bible Sunday pack and talk a bit about the 'treasure' of the Bible.
The material suggested beginning the discussion by reflecting with the young people what three items they would choose if that was all they could take with them in an emergency( people and pets excluded). The answers ranged from ipods, mobile phones, pictures of family, laptops, teddy bear, passport, car(!), money. I was asked for my three and when I mentioned 'transistor radio' one of them immediately asked, "What's a transistor radio?".
How aged I now feel. Apart from that it was an enjoyable evening.

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