Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Holiday Club day two

Today's theme was Jesus as 'physio' and the Biblical material was from Luke 7:1-10, the story of Jesus healing the centurion's servant( and doing it at a distance). It is a remarkable story which, of course, we could not really delve into too deeply with the children.
But think of the scenario - a Roman centurion who actually has some care and affection for one of his slaves; this centurion is also sympathetic and helpful to the faith of the Jews among whom he lives;he has actually helped them to build a synagogue; he has contact with Jewish leaders and is ready to ask for their help; they react positively and seek the help of Jesus on his behalf; the centurion is humble enough and perhaps considerate enough to suggest that Jesus does not need to enter his house( think of the problems faced by a Jew who entered into a heathen Gentile's home); he recognizes the authority of Jesus and his servant is healed.
Jesus expresses his amazement at this display of faith and declares that he had not met such faith among his own people who are 'the very people who are supposed to know about God and how he works'( from the Message paraphrase).
Lots to think about in all of this and especially in the final words of Jesus about the centurion's display of faith.

Jokes for today were of the 'Doctor, doctor' variety and included the following -

patient - " Doctor, I keep thinking I am Tom Jones"
doctor - " it's not unusual"

I am not sure many of the children got it, but the all leaders did laugh or groan.

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