Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Day 37

Today I have been trying to put together thoughts and reflections from what I have read of Peterson’s 3 books on Spiritual Theology. There is no doubt that he puts an emphasis on the importance of Scripture - read and preached. As mentioned elsewhere he believes we should allow the Word of God to get into our bloodstream as it were. He believes that the ‘Bible when read pulls us into participation with God on his terms.’

While reflecting on this I came across this quote from St. John Chrysostom

Christ, in sending the [people] to the scriptures, sent them, not merely to read them, but carefully to search and ponder them. And did he not say, "Read the scriptures," but "Search the scriptures." ... Their meaning is not expressed superficially or set forth in their literal
sense, but, like a treasure, lies buried at a great depth. And those who seek for hidden things will not be able to find the object of the search if they do not seek carefully and painstakingly.
(Homily 41 (John 5:39-47), A.D. 390)

This took me to the book ‘Holy Scripture - A Dogmatic Sketch’ by Professor John Webster. This book is proving a challenging read and I do wish writers would not use Latin phrases in the midst of their work.( or perhaps I should wish I had paid more attention in the Latin class at school).

Here again the author stresses the importance of Scripture and at one point he writes –

“The definitive act of the church is faithful hearing of the Gospel of salvation announced by the risen Christ in the Spirit’s power through the service of Holy Scripture. As the creature of the divine Word, the church is the hearing church.”

How much attention do we pay to the Word in our own lives ? Are we part of a 'hearing church'?

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