Back to the books after a very enjoyable induction weekend at Stourbridge. Here is a picture of the new manse family.
Today I have spent reading the 3rd part of Peterson's book. In this part he turns to the importance of community and suggests that there can be no maturity in the spiritual life apart from immersion in and embrace of community. Holy living is not a 'self project' and in this section he highlights the dangers of selfish living. He uses Deuteronomy and Luke/Acts as grounding texts. He suggests that for the Old Testament people of God getting saved was easy( in the Exodus), but becoming a community was difficult!
He goes on to remind us of the importance of the Christian community into which we are baptised and of the love we are commanded to express.( Peterson turns to the first letter of John as the best place to seek orientation in this).
In the epilogue he writes - 'but what tops the agenda for me is the Christian life as lived, lived with this sense of congruence between who Christ is and who I am; lived in this busy, heavily trafficked North America intersection with the Kingdom of God'
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