Sunday, 9 December 2007
Thanksgiving, dedication and blessing
This morning's Parade Service included an act of thanksgiving, dedication and blessing as Amelie's parents came to give thanks for her, dedicate themselves to her nurture and pray with the whole church family for God's blessing on her growing life. Amelie behaved superbly and I seem to be doing well recently with the children brought on these occasions - no screamers or wailers for quite some time. Perhaps it is the grandfatherly aura! Long may it continue.
As part of the service we thought about what the words thanksgiving, dedication and blessing meant, with the children of the uniformed organisations giving me their thoughts. There are one or two who are already heading towards being philosophers.
As part of the service we watched a small clip from Habitat for Humanity about building basic houses for people in South Africa. This was where one of our church members went earlier in the year as part of the project. We were reminded that the work of building these houses is a real 'blessing' for people who usually live in damp shacks. But we were also reminded by one of the volunteers on the film clip of how 'blessed' she felt by being part of the project herself. Perhaps being a blessing and being blessed often( if not always) go together.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Sabbatical Report
and the shorter version which simply gives details of some of the quotes from Peterson's 3 books on Spiritual theology can be found at:
Monday, 26 November 2007
Day 85
Our final 'sabbatical' weekend was spent at home( only the second weekend we have been at home since the beginning of September). On Saturday we attended the annual St Andrew's day dinner of the Harrogate St Andrew's Society and on Sunday we went to the annual St Andrew's day service at St Paul's URC.
At the dinner we were entertained by an exiled Scot who now lives in Hertfordshire. He sang some familiar Scottish songs and in his speech reminded us of a particular Scottish phrase which uses two positives to make a negative - "Aye right". A wonderful little phrase which can be used very effectively with the right tone of voice.
Another Scottish phrase can be used to describe the return to normal, everyday life after the sabbatical period. During this week it is back 'to auld claes and porridge' for me.
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Day 81
Over the past few days I have continued to work on some writing up of what I have been reading.
Here are a few of the quotes from the three Eugene Peterson books -
“Spiritual Theology is about living the Christian life. It is not some text or technique or programme and is about God and not us.”
“The doctrine of the Trinity is vital because it prevents us from reducing God to what we can understand or need at any one time. We are in the presence of the One who is both before us and beyond us. We need to listen and wait. Trinity is a steady call and invitation to participate in the energetically active life of God.”
“Community is vital but is often difficult.” Peterson uses the example of the Israelites on the journey following the Exodus and suggests ‘getting saved was easy, becoming a community was much more difficult’.
Faith is not an explanation, it is a passion
In describing the experience of Isaiah in the
“The holy is not that which we can market or produce or control on our terms. We, like Isaiah (and Moses and John on
“Jesus, who in abridged form is quite popular with the non-church crowd, was not anti-institutional. Jesus said "Follow me," and then regularly led his followers into the two primary religious institutional structures of his day: the synagogue and the temple. Neither institution was without its inadequacies, faults, and failures.”
“a spirituality that has no institutional structures or support very soon becomes self indulgent and subjective and one generational.”
Friday, 16 November 2007
Day 75
But more of that when I can sort out the notes I have taken so far. Just one more lecture to go.
Later today Annette and I will he heading up to Scotland to visit family and take part in a family reunion with members of Annette's wider family, some of whom she has not seen for over 30 years.

I am sorry to be missing the prayer vigil at church being organised by our young people as part of a Tearfund initiative. I hope they will be well supported through the 24 hour period from 7pm tonight.
No blogging for a few days now.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Day 72

Back to blogging after a lovely week's holiday in Shropshire. Annette and I had a small holiday cottage on a farm at Clee Hill with lovely views overlooking the town of Ludlow. We enjoyed seeing something of the area and also managed a couple of not too strenuous walks in the Mortimer Forrest.
The weekend was spent at Stourbridge with the family and included a visit to Cadbury's World which we enjoyed( and not just for the chocolate) and also to the Walsall illuminations.

The beginning of this week has really been spent on a mixture of church things which needed to be picked up. Tomorrow the Liaison Group meets following the decision of West Park URC and ourselves to accept the Declaration of Intent. Now we have the task of working out the details of how such an ecumenical project would work.
Tomorrow I must also get back into the sabbatical studies.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Day 60
But I am sure we all know people who seem more interested in what is wrong with others and themselves than with what is right. There must be a balance to be had in this. We know too that it is often easier (and, if we are honest, sometimes more congenial) to point out faults and failings rather than begin by giving thanks for what is good.
Something good is surely the recent fact that a group of 138 Muslim leaders from around the world and across the various denominations of Islam have come together to reach out to Christians through a statement entitled - "A common word between us and you." A recent email from the Sojourners organisation included this link to a short article about this by Brian Maclaren -
I think that is enough for today’s musings. Any comments will be gratefully and thankfully received.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Day 58
Once again, no mention of football results from the weekend. As the fans often chant to their losing counterparts - you only sing when your winning!
This thought prompted other thoughts. Do we as Christians sometimes only sing when we are 'winning' ?( i.e. when life is good and we feel on top of things.) Shouldn't we be able to 'sing' in the midst of all the many experiences of life, even if it is simply a sad song of lament?
When writing about worship Peterson expresses the belief that worship is not something we experience, it is something we do, regardless of how we feel about it. The experience develops out of the worship, not the other way round. Worship is the response to God's word in the context of the community of God's people. Does our worship so often depend on how we 'feel'? Do we really only 'sing' when we are winning?
Friday, 26 October 2007
Day 54
While Peterson’s 3 books on Spiritual Theology have formed the basis of the first part of the sabbatical, I have tried also to read some other authors who pick up similar themes touched on by Peterson.
I think there is little doubt that Peterson places great emphasis on listening to, reading and studying the Scriptures. The second of his books was after all entitled ‘Eat this Book’ and the challenge he sets is to let the Word of God get right inside us.
A similar point is made by David Foster( a Benedictine monk at Downside Abbey) in his book, ‘Reading with God’.
As he reflects on the challenge of reading the Scriptures he recognizes that Scripture is no easy read. Therefore we need to get used to reading it and read it slowly, reflectively. . He suggests that the metaphor of honey used in Psalm 19:10 is directly related to the imagery of chewing and digestion that became central to the Christian understanding of meditating on the word.
He writes: “The word that is sweet in the mouth needs to be chewed and digested. Receiving the word of God is a process of nourishment, where the word of God gives life to the one who obeys.” David Foster then notes, as did Peterson, that there are a couple of places where the Bible talks of eating the scroll on which the word is written.( Ezekiel 3 and Revelation 10). In Revelation we learn that it gave John stomach-ache. Foster writes: “It would probably be intolerable if the Scriptures only tasted of honey! But this is a sobering reminder that the word of God is not just easy talk or words of comfort. The bitterness of the scroll is because of the toughness of the message as well as the seriousness of the commission entrusted to its recipients.
It’s the weekend again and we are off on our travels. This time we are popping just over the border to
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Day 53

When we went to
When I had finished the football magazine I turned to
But it also did express the fact that unlike many modern philosophers Socrates actually believed that philosophy was not just a challenging academic exercise but should make a real difference to the way the philosopher lives, to the person the philosopher is becoming. Here was an obvious similarity to the challenge of Jesus to all who would follow him.
This tuned in to the frequent emphasis that Peterson gives in his writing about Spiritual Theology. What we believe should clearly make a difference to the way in which we live, to the kind of people we are becoming. If the Christians of today are to be able to speak with any kind of authority, the words must be backed by lifestyle.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Day 52

In his writings on Spiritual Theology, Peterson suggests that Mark 8:27-9:9 is particularly important. In the Gospel of Mark this passage comprises the confession of Peter at Caesarea Philippi and then the Transfiguration of Jesus. In Mark the event at Caesarea Philippi is seen as a watershed in the Gospel. From this point on Jesus is on his way to
Peterson suggests that in these two events bring together the No and Yes that work together at the heart of spiritual theology.
In the event at Caesarea Philippi where Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ and then immediately objects when Jesus speaks about how Jesus describes what is to come. The challenge of Jesus at this point is vivid and stark - “ if any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Following Jesus means not following the ways of the world. Peterson writes: “ No is a freedom word… the art of saying No sets us free to follow Jesus."
In the Transfiguration we hear the YES of God - this is my beloved son, listen to Him. Peterson writes – “ the word beauty does not occur in the story, but beauty is what the disciples experienced.”
“Climbing the mountain with Jesus means coming upon beauty that takes our breath away. Staying in the company of Jesus means contemplating his glory, listening in on this vast, intergenerational conversation consisting of law and prophet and gospel that takes place around Jesus, hearing the divine confirmation of revelation in Jesus….. Mark has set this story of glorious affirmation in immediate juxtaposition to his story of stern negation.”
Is Peterson highlighting two aspect of living the Christian life? There is the freedom to say ‘No’ to that which diverts us from following in the way of Jesus. There is also the beauty and the glory to be experienced in our astonished adoration at what God has done and does in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. In our response we say Yes to what God has done and is doing.
Peterson also points out that at both events Peter got it wrong. At Caesarea Philippi he tried to avoid the cross and suggested a better plan to Jesus and received the strongest of rebukes. On the mountain he tried to possess the glory and take over from Jesus by providing something hands on and practical.
Spiritual Theology must embrace the definitive No and glorious Yes of Jesus, crucified and risen.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Day 51

Back down to earth now after the ’12,000 mile service’ at the Mary & Martha Community in
In the evening we watched the film ‘The History Boys’ complete with popcorn.
The day ended with prayer in the lovely and simple Chapel.
This was our one wet day and so a quiet afternoon of reading and also a relaxing Jacuzzi proved very pleasant.
The day ended with some of the group watching the first episode of a new series of ‘Spooks’ on BBC 1. I will leave you to guess which one of the Baptists was there.
Wednesday - another one to one with a member of the community at the beginning of the day. The afternoon saw Alan on the massage table having a full bodywork massage - a new experience.
The evening was spent watching the film ‘Mrs Henderson presents’ - again with popcorn.
The day ended with prayers in the Chapel.
The evening began with a simple communion service which was followed by our final evening meal together.
This certainly was a week’s retreat. It was a week for ourselves and we came away feeling thoroughly spoiled and refreshed and tuned for some more miles to be added to the clock.
I managed to see a bit of the Rugby World Cup final on Saturday evening, but did not see anything of Rangers crushing Celtic earlier in the day.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Day 40

He quotes from the Geneva Catechism which in answer to the question, ‘How are we to use Scripture in order to profit by it?’ states –
‘By receiving it with the full consent of our conscience, as truth come down from heaven, submitting ourselves to it in right obedience, loving it with a true affection by having it imprinted on our hearts, we may follow it entirely and conform ourselves to it.’
What he was suggesting reminded me of the passage from Deuteronomy 6 that we most often use at services of thanksgiving and dedication –
4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Webster also quotes Bonhoeffer – ‘ Holy Scripture is the living voice of God, and that living voice demands an attitude of ready submission and active compliance.’
Webster is also keen to stress that faithful reading of Scripture in the economy of grace is not the work of masters but of pupils in the
The author believes Theology is 'not a set of improvements on Scripture', but is rather 'most properly an invitation to read and reread Scripture, to hear and be caught up by Scripture's challenge to a repentant, non-manipulative heeding of God's Word'.
He ends his book with this prayer of John Calvin –
‘May the Lord grant that we may study the heavenly mysteries of his wisdom, maing true progress in religion to his glory and our upbuilding.’
No Blog for the next 8 days. We are off to the Society of Mary & Martha in Devon to be part of the ‘12000 mile service for ministers’ and also fit in a visit to friends on the way south and a visit to family on the way back north.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Day 39

I am still trying to get to grips with Webster’s book – Holy Scripture – a dogmatic sketch.
Again I have been irritated by his frequent use of Latin words, phrases and sentences!
But he is clearly placing a great emphasis on Scripture and reminds his readers that the church needs to be a ‘hearing church’ before it can be a ‘speaking church’.
He writes of the ‘canonisation’ of the Scriptures and clearly takes the view that the Scriptures as we have them are a matter of grace, part of the sphere of the Lordship of Christ( although he also suggests that they can become the ‘playground of human self will’).
He frequently quotes Barth who suggests –
“ If we believe that the Lord is mightier than the sin which indisputably reigns in the Church, if we believe that He is the victor in the struggle against grace which is indisputably widespread even in the Church, then we can count on it that a genuine knowledge and confession in respect to the Canon, and therefore a knowledge and confession of the genuine Canon, is not at least impossible in the Church, not because we have to believe in men, but because if we are not to give up our faith we have to believe in the miracle of grace.”
Today I have also been printing off posters for ‘The Journey of the Magi’ being performed on Saturday 8th December. I hope the tickets will be snapped up over the coming month.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Day 37

Today I have been trying to put together thoughts and reflections from what I have read of Peterson’s 3 books on Spiritual Theology. There is no doubt that he puts an emphasis on the importance of Scripture - read and preached. As mentioned elsewhere he believes we should allow the Word of God to get into our bloodstream as it were. He believes that the ‘Bible when read pulls us into participation with God on his terms.’
sense, but, like a treasure, lies buried at a great depth. And those who seek for hidden things will not be able to find the object of the search if they do not seek carefully and painstakingly.
(Homily 41 (John 5:39-47), A.D. 390)
“The definitive act of the church is faithful hearing of the Gospel of salvation announced by the risen Christ in the Spirit’s power through the service of Holy Scripture. As the creature of the divine Word, the church is the hearing church.”
How much attention do we pay to the Word in our own lives ? Are we part of a 'hearing church'?
Monday, 8 October 2007
Day 36
I am now looking to get my thoughts together from the notes I have taken from Peterson's three books.

And I don't think I will mention football or rugby today :-(
Friday, 5 October 2007
Day 33

In the final three chapters of this book Peterson points out some of the other ways in which people might choose to live their lives.
“When Jesus says, ‘Follow me’, and we follow, he rescues us from the ways that Herod used to depersonalize people so that he could use them to serve his ambition, reduce them to mere functions. And Jesus rescues us from the Pharisee way that depersonalizes language so that it can be precise and pure in order to define an identity that is separate from the ambiguities of the world’s ways, that avoids personal participation with others who may well contaminate us, that achieves truth by using language that avoids personal involvement and separates users not only from what is wrong in the world but also from the entirety of God’s creation and covenant.”
The way of Jesus was within a world of relationships.
“When we come across someone like the High Priest Caiaphas it is easy to be harshly critical of religion as such, but especially of institutional religion. The widespread interest in what is often termed ‘spirituality’ is in some ways a result of the disillusionment and frustration with institutional religion. Much of this new spirituality avoids all the trappings of liturgy and finance, fundraising campaigns and buildings, ecclesiastical bureaucracies and councils making hair-splitting decisions on theology, legislating and domesticating the Spirit. This new spirituality sets itself in opposition to all that. It encourages us to explore our higher consciousness, cultivate beauty and awareness, find friends of like mind with whom we can converse and pray and travel. Spirituality is an inward journey to the depths of our souls. Spirituality is dismissive of doctrines and building campaigns and formal worship and theologians.
There is something to be said for this, but not much. It is true that the world of religion is responsible for an enormous amount of cruelty and oppression, war and prejudice and hate, pomp and circumstance. Being religious does not translate across the board into being good or trustworthy. Religion is one of the best covers for sin of almost all kinds. Pride, anger, lust, and greed are vermin that flourish under the floorboards of religion. Those of us who are identified with institutions or vocations in religion can't be too vigilant. The devil does some of his best work behind stained glass.
We live at a time when there is a lot of this anti-institutionalism in the air. "I love Jesus but I hate the church" is a theme that keeps reappearing with variations in many settings.
So it is interesting to note that Jesus, who in abridged form is quite popular with the non-church crowd, was not anti-institutional. Jesus said "Follow me," and then regularly led his followers into the two primary religious institutional structures of his day: the synagogue and the temple. Neither institution was without its inadequacies, faults, and failures.
The author suggests that a spirituality that has no institutional structures or support very soon becomes self indulgent and subjective and one generational.
The early Christians did not turn to violence to further the message.
Peterson reflects on whether it is possible to retain the energy, focus and zeal of the zealot without the violence( both violent actions and violent words).
Herod, Caiaphas, and Josephus, all three in their lifetimes, were more influential and more effective than Jesus. The three protest movements prominent during the years when Jesus was announcing the presence of God's kingdom and when his resurrection church was in formation — Pharisees, Essenes, and Zealots — all attracted far more followers than did Jesus.
And here's the sobering thing: they still do. We are faced with this wonderful, or not-so-wonderful, irony: Jesus — most admired, most worshipped (kind of), most written about and least followed.
But in every generation a few do follow Jesus. They deny themselves, they take up their cross, and they follow him. They lose their lives and save them — and along with their own, the lives of many, many others.
But it is the weekend. Annette and I are off to Stourbridge tomorrow to see the family.

AND - the telephone at the manse is not working. I have reported the fault to Virgin Media and an engineer will be on the way as soon as possible( that might mean next Friday according to the person I spoke to on the phone! She also said that I would be telephoned before the engineer arrived. I am afraid I had to point out that this would be difficult because our phone was not working). If you ring the number you will hear the ringing tone but it is not connecting. Watch this space for more news next week.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Day 32

Into the conversation, Peterson now brings the one he calls the prophet of the exile.
He reminds us that:-
“the general consensus on the authorship of Isaiah is that the named prophet is responsible for chapters 1-39 of the book. An unnamed prophet during the exile picked up where the first Isaiah left off and continued the story (chapters 40-55). For convenience I call him simply the Prophet. Isaiah of Jerusalem preached a message of warning and judgment, unsuccessfully attempting to rouse the people from an idolatrous preoccupation with themselves. Their refusal to listen and repent and obey resulted in the devastation of the exile. Isaiah of the Exile, the Prophet, took up the task of comforting the people and leading them into an obedient life of trust and singing as salvation was worked out among them. A third, also unnamed, prophet is responsible for post-exilic messages (chapters 56-66). Given the three preachers and the stretch of time involved (in round numbers, two hundred years), most readers (this one at least) marvel at how wonderfully and congruently the parts flow together.
He preached good news and his sermon strategy comprised three elements –
1) providing images of God - especially the image of Creator and Saviour.
(creation is the theatre, covenant is the salvation played out in it).
2) exposing the idols of
3) recovering a sense of ‘our God’ rooted in history - a lived history grounded in creation. God works in us, but not in us abstracted from creation and history.
The powerful message is that ‘salvation is on the way’. But the way this would be achieved would be a surprise. It would happen through the ‘servant of the Lord’.
The 4 well known ‘servant songs’ in Isaiah are an important expression of the way in which salvation would come through the servant.
The first song (Isaiah 42:1-9) - the servant is chosen for a mission
The second song (Isaiah 49:1-7) - ‘formed in the womb’ - ‘the servant is no late-coming desperate attempt to save a failing enterprise.'
The third song (Isaiah 50:4-9) - the work of the servant is one of witness and preaching and it will be met with scorn and contempt
The fourth song (Isaiah 52:13ff) - the way will involve suffering and sacrifice and this is the chosen means of salvation. The Christian way is the way of the servant. Wonderfully all of this is beautiful, good.
Peterson sums this up -
“If we are to keep company with Isaiah 53 we have to radically revise our imaginations and memories in order to take it in - to see sacrifice, offering, weakness, suffering as essential and not as an option to salvation….. there is fathomless mystery at the heart of this.”
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Day 31

In this chapter Peterson turns to Isaiah of Jerusalem and in particular describes the awesome experience of Isaiah in the
Peterson suggests that the holy is an interior fire, a passion for living in and for God, a capacity for exuberance in the presence of God. Yet in our culture the words holy and holiness are not often seen as positive, vibrant words that are full of life. In describing the experience of Isaiah in the
The author notes the experience of Moses at the burning bush and John in exile on the
It begins with a deep sense of inadequacy( ‘woe is me’) - opens into mercy and forgiveness( God’s primary work is forgiveness not condemnation) - and moves into consecration in response to the word that God speaks.
Peterson notes that in our reading of Isaiah 6 we most often stop at verse 8. But the vision in the
He suggests that Isaiah, despite being a great preacher, was a conspicuous failure. He preached powerfully for 40 years and no one it seemed listened..
The words that follow on from Isaiah 6:9 give the answer. The holy is not a marketable God. Isaiah had to preach in the terms that God had revealed to him. He was preaching to a people wanted a God they could serve on their terms.
The Assyrians would indeed invade and conquer the land and the image given here is of a forest of tree stumps. The trees have been felled and all that is left are the stumps. But there is a message of hope - ‘the holy seed is its stump’(Isa 6:13). It is the seed from which salvation will grow( Isaiah 11:1-2 - a shoot shall come forth from the stump of Jesse).
Once again Peterson is suggesting that we cannot manipulate God or work ourselves into some experience of the Holy. The holy is not that which we can market or produce or control on our terms. We, like Isaiah( and Moses and John on
Peterson ends the chapter by answering the question as to why both Jesus and Paul quoted from Isaiah 6 to account for the brick wall that they hit as they preached and taught the Way. Did they quote from Isaiah as a way of telling those who are following Jesus that there is no way to eliminate the Holy from the way of Jesus… to make clear to insider and outsider alike that, inconvenient as it is, baffling as it is, disappointing as it is to anyone who was expecting the way to be paved with consumer rewards, the Holy is non negotiable.
Does that take us back to the experience of Jesus in the wilderness temptations?
And I am sure you would expect me to mention last night's amazing result from the Champions League - Lyon 0 - 3 Rangers :-)))

Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Day 30

Into this conversation, Peterson, introduces Elijah. He quotes the great Scottish preacher Alexander Whyte:
“The prophet Elijah towers up like a mountain in
The basis of this chapter lies in the fact that Elijah was a prophet in the
“While the prophetic accusation of harlotry has literal reference to the sacred prostitution of the Baal cult, it is also a metaphor that extends its meaning into the entire theology of worship, worship that seeks fulfillment through self expression, worship that accepts the needs, desires and passions of the worshipper as its baseline………Baalism reduces worship to the spiritual stature of the worshipper. Its cannons are that it should be interesting, relevant and exciting - that ‘I get something out of it.’
Authentic worship means being present to the living God who penetrates the whole of human life.
He suggests that the phrase ‘let’s have a worship experience’ is the Baalistic perversion of ‘let us worship God’.
He believes that worship is not something we experience, it is something we do, regardless of how we feel about it. The experience develops out of the worship, not the other way round. Worship is the response to God’s word in the context of the community of God’s people.
Peterson suggests that so often we are faced with a choice - deal with God or with an image of God. When we are faced with that choice, so often we go for the image - an image of God customized to our requirements. An image is impersonal and we don’t have to have any relationship with what is impersonal.
He reckons that the essence of the way of Elijah is that it counters the world’s way, the culture’s way.
By the end of this chapter there quite a few thoughts running round in my head. Have we slipped into a way of thinking about worship as centred on ourselves and not on God? Is our aim be to make worship ‘interesting, relevant and exciting’ in order that we get ‘something out of it’. Do we so often come to worship with a misplaced focus on ourselves and our own needs and feelings? How much does the culture of the day actually shape what we do and what we think?
I will end this comment with the final words of Peterson in this chapter –
‘Elijah and his vast company of prophets, by now centuries deep and worldwide, train us in discerning the difference between the ways of the world and the ways of Jesus, keeping us present to the presence of God.’
Monday, 1 October 2007
Day 29

In his reflection on ‘The Jesus way’ Peterson turns to the Old Testament and draws insights into living the ‘the Jesus way’.
From the story of Abraham he reflects on the great patriarch taking his son, Isaac, to offer him as a sacrifice on
Sin does not disqualify us from ‘being on the way’. But it does make life more complicated for us and for others. Sin needs to be dealt with by God.
I struggled a bit with this chapter. For there is the danger, of course, that we begin to make excuses for our conduct - it is the way I am or we think it acceptable to behave in certain ways. The life of David contains some spectacular moral lapses which are certainly not to be admired or used to excuse our conduct.
But ‘perfectionism’ can drive a wedge between ourselves and others( those who are obviously in our view not as ‘spiritual’ or ‘committed’ or ‘ knowledgeable’ as we are). I think that is a major part of what Peterson is driving at here.
Surprisingly he doesn’t draw in the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:48, ‘Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.’ Words which might seem to contradict what he is suggesting. A broad range of scholars point out that the word ‘perfect’ is a word that means ‘ mature, fit for purpose, fulfilling the purpose for which a person or an object is created’. New Testament scholars also point out that it is vital to note that the words of Jesus here come in a section where he is reminding his hearers of the gracious love of God for all people.
I think the words of Walter Wink express what Jesus was driving at in this startling saying –
Jesus does not call for “wholeness,” though that would have been a better translation than “perfect.” For wholeness places all the focus on us, and Jesus points us away from ourselves to love our enemies. All-inclusive love is his goal, even if broken, contaminated by elements of our own unredeemed shadow, intermittent.
Jesus is not urging us to a perfection of being in ourselves, but to abandon all dreams of perfection and to embrace those we believe are least perfect, least deserving and most threatening to our lives. And we are to embrace all of that within ourselves as well."
Friday, 28 September 2007
Day 26

On now to the third of Peterson's books on Spiritual Theology. He begins by asserting that "the Jesus way wedded to the Jesus truth brings about the Jesus life." As Christians we live as part of the Kingdom of God( where Christ is King). We can and must refuse to let the culture dictate the way we go about our lives. He is strong on the importance of the community of faith and suggests - "the priesthood of all believers is not an arrogant individualism that, at least, in dealing with matters of God doesn't need anyone else. It is a confession of mutuality, a willingness to guide one another in following the way of Jesus."
He reminds us that at beginning of the Jesus story the imperatives to 'repent' and 'believe' come before the call to 'follow'. The temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness were about the way in which Jesus would go about his work. In rejecting the temptations Jesus refuses to do good things in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. In this book I think Peterson will have much to say about the means and not just the end. Following Jesus is as much about feet as it is about eyes and ears. He suggests that the slogan 'what would Jesus do' should really be 'how does Jesus do it". I am presuming he is emphasizing that it is not just about what we do that matters, but also about the way we do it as followers of 'the Way'.
Jesus is our way to God, but also God's way to us - it is a 2-way highway.
Peterson then goes on to bring into this conversation 6 people whom he describes as those who embraced, prefigured and prepared for the way of Jesus - Abraham,Moses, David, Elijah, Isaiah of Jerusalem and Isaiah of the exile. But more of that another time.
Its the weekend and some more sport to watch on television tomorrow or I might even wander across the Stray and watch Harrogate Town in the second preliminary round of the FA Cup. Although I have been reliably informed that the garden is calling out for some tidying( a prayer for rain tomorrow, perhaps??).
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Day 24
Ruth Haley Barton, Director of the
Brian Maclaren - described on his website as an “author, speaker, pastor, and networker among innovative Christian leaders, thinkers, and activists” - encourages us to ‘be a friend to ourselves’. He makes the point that at times we are much harder and less gracious towards ourselves than we are towards others. We should know what re-charges us(e.g. walking, running, sport, reading, drama, films, museums, places of interest) and he reminds ministers that ‘life bigger than our ministry’. That comment certainly applies not just to ministers.
Mark Labberton (senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, California.) suggests that the central purpose of worship is to re-order reality in the light of what is true. He has a concern that worship must not simply turn us inwards but turn us outwards. He tells the story of a worship leader who got so caught up in leading worship that he was oblivious to the fact that as he walked up and down the platform he was treading on the toes of those who were sitting there. We cannot worship God and be oblivious to our neighbours.
Some thoughts from a few of the lecturers given at the National Pastors Conference, 2007.
Tomorrow it is back to the books.Monday, 24 September 2007
Day 22

Annette and I enjoyed our trip to the
Today’s sabbatical work has been slightly different. I have listened, courtesy of the internet, to a number of lectures given at a recent pastors’ conference in
Friday, 21 September 2007
Day 19

Peterson suggests that, in his opinion, there is some irony in that the King James Version of the Bible is still the best selling edition throughout the world and yet it was written in the kind of language used by the royal court of James and not the everyday language of the people at that time. It is certainly not written in the everyday language of our day and age! Is it possible that this version is still popular because it may be used at times to keep the word at a safe distance because the language and expression is not what we use in our daily lives?
Peterson himself has a great gift for language and this comes across in his writing. He is passionate about communicating the Word and encourages the Christian Church to be equally committed to the Word and to making it available to the people around us.
Almost time now to put the books away for the weekend. Tomorrow it is off to the North of England open air museum at Beamish which has long been on the list of places we have wanted to visit.