Friday 1 August 2008

Holiay Club - day 5

On the last day we had to revert to plan 'b'. Plan 'a' had involved going for a time to the open space on the Stray to play some games. But the heavy rain yesterday and some thunderstorms overnight meant that was not advisable. But plan 'b' worked well and we had a good day. All the groups got a chance to have a go at each of the 'personal best challenges( basketball hoop, skittles, dribble & shoot,long jump, squat thrusts). We also had borrowed some foam javelins and used these on the grass at the side of the church - the highlight for my group was when one of the javelins got stuck high up in one of the trees.
The theme for the day was 'Jesus - the winner' and the Biblical material included the story of the risen Lord meeting two of his followers on the road to Emmaus.
Parents and friends joined us for the final part of the morning when we sang some of our songs and showed off the Personal Best certificates.
It is onwards now to the 'Closing Ceremony' on Sunday( i.e. the Holiday Club morning service).

Joke of the day - 'Why did the chicken run onto the football field?'
answer - because the referee blew for a foul!

or ' What is sticky and bites?' ( a jampire)

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