Once again our Guide Company's Pancake Supper provided excellent pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. I was very restrained and only had two this year. It was good to seethe event was well attended.
Of course, it is also a reminder that tomorrow,Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning Lent.
This year I am planning to use a Lent Study on 'Christ and the Chocolaterie' which uses themes from the film Chocolat as a stimulus to reflection and discussion. For Sunday preaching I am torn between two approaches which were both suggested by Lutheran New Testament scholars. One suggestion is to use the theme of 'wilderness' which can be seen to represent an in-between space - 'a space of testing, trial, learning, discovery, and transformation outside the established rhythms and norms of community life.'(Dwight Zscheile). The other suggestion is to use Lent as a journey to the baptistery. The themes would be doorway, tomb, womb, bath, spring. As I am away this Sunday in order to attend a very important 5th birthday celebration, I still have a few days to ponder which suggestion to follow.